Welcome to Our Services
Embark on a peaceful journey with Dreamy Beginnings Pediatrics. Let us guide your family to restful nights and rejuvenating mornings. Our custom sleep plans are crafted with care to bring tranquility to tired homes.
Experience the difference as we support you through each step towards a dreamy night's sleep.
Bronze package
For all ages:
Custom sleep plan
45 minute sleep plan training call
Support during the first bedtime of training
Follow-up 30 minute call one week after start of plan
$150 plus tax
Silver Package
For all ages:
Custom sleep plan
45 minute sleep plan training call
One week unlimited texting support 8am-bedtime
30 minute follow-up call one week after support has ended
$250 plus tax
Gold package
For all ages:
Custom sleep plan
45 minute sleep plan training call
Two weeks of unlimited texting support 8am-bedtime
30 minute follow-up call one week after support has ended
$350 plus tax
troubleshooting options
One week of daily texting support: $125, plus tax
Written recommendations plus a half an hour phone call to answer your questions: $100, plus tax
Half an hour phone call to ask me anything: $40, plus tax